This 100% Replica
Gucci by Alessandro Michele bomber jacket in white silk features a vibrant multicolored Flora and cat print, showcasing the designer’s eclectic aesthetic. The jacket is adorned with sequin “Hollywood” writing on the back, raglan sleeves (sleeve measurement taken from the neck), a mock neck, slit pockets, and Sylvie web trims with gold lurex detail. It closes with a zipper on the front and is lined in a blend of acetate (71%) and silk (29%), making it a bold statement piece infused with Gucci’s signature style.
in new condition, that is, never used. This means the item may have been purchased by us from an authorised dealer or a store. “New” items may also be “pre-owned”, that is, purchased by one of our consignors and never used. These items may have minor signs of handling – as would any item available at an authorised dealer or boutique – given that customers would reasonably handle an item when trying it on or examining it for purchase.
Virtually New
Appears to have been used only a handful of time and is nearly new in condition. May have very slight signs of having been used upon close inspection.
in top condition. There may be faint signs of wear, slight scratches, pilling, marks or nicks which are not particularly noticeable and will not affect the use or wear of the item.
Very Good
Item shows some wear and signs of previous use, but still has a lot of life in it. Slightly worn corners, creases in leather, and tarnished hardware may be visible. Any notable flaws or signs of wear are stated in the listing.
Used, may be an older or well-loved item. There may be slightly more noticeable signs of wear, scratches or marks. These will not affect the wear or use of the item. Our descriptions and photographs will clearly indicate the condition of the item.
Typically around 20 to just under 100 years old. Our vintage items are carefully examined and selected. Most are gently or rarely used, meticulously stored or cared for and will come to you in a perfectly usable condition. However, these are unique items which may be of a finer and more delicate nature than brand-new items so please be sensitive to this and have reasonable expectations of their resilience.